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Sustainable Transition to the Agile and Green Enterprise (STAGE)

STAGE Supports European Companies to Become Green Leaders

Since June 2022, when the "Sustainable Transition to the Agile and Green Enterprise - STAGE" project began, bespoke tools have been developed to assist enterprises in transitioning to a sustainable future. The STAGE platform is a European R&D initiative that seeks to enable businesses to become the green leaders of the economy. 


The STAGE program provides various advantages to enterprises throughout the UK and Europe, including free business assessment tools, enterprises’ transition planning tools, and access to multiple training courses that lead to financial monetary funding and investment assistance. High-Speed Sustainable Manufacturing Institute (HSSMI) has played an important role in the development of assessment tools, frameworks for transformation, and training materials. 


Two assessments and a carbon footprint analysis mark the beginning of the STAGE program for SMEs. The purpose of the assessment is to get an extensive understanding of enterprises, including their present operational state, knowledge gaps, improvement possibilities, and ideal future state. The Initial Assessment is a simple tool that analyses the organization's performance through the three pillars of sustainability: Environmental, Social, and Governance, as well as economic and innovation. This phase's result will equip the enterprises with practical actions to continue their sustainable transition journey and grant access to appropriate STAGE training materials, providing an opportunity to comprehend new energy and resource-efficient technologies, processes, and procedures.


The additional phase of the assessment consists of a comprehensive evaluation of the enterprise to detect business gaps. Furthermore, enterprises have the chance to determine their Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by completing the carbon footprint assessment. Global Factor, a STAGE consortium participant, created this instrument. In collaboration with enterprises, the findings of all assessments will be combined to create a custom transition plan for the enterprise. The transition plan will outline the enterprise's current operational level, its planned future state, and the approaches to achieving its goals. Selected enterprises will be paired with a professional from a pool of external sustainable advisors from Europe to support their sustainable journey. In addition, STAGE internal sustainable advisors will also be available to support STAGE-eligible enterprises. 


The STAGE project supports the European green ambition by providing enterprises with the opportunity to transform their operations and become more sustainable, while also supporting EU climate and environmental objectives. The project’s activities will assist enterprises in complying with the EU's latest CSRD "Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive" legislation. The qualifying SME's who successfully complete the STAGE process will have the chance to get financial assistance. Moreover, chosen enterprises will be assisted in acquiring Investor financing to develop their enterprises in a sustainable manner.


Join the STAGE platform today and receive access to essential tools, assessments, and resources for streamlining the sustainable transition of your enterprise.

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